Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hello Son,

It's past noon. Just finished writing Call 20, the one that Mom owes You. Didn't have time to do it during the week as You know, one after another "something" happened which required full, detailed report on the daily call-blog. What a week it has been. Filled with such inspirational messages from only God knows where.

And You, of course. <3

This morning, Mom had to send Dad to the Viva center. He's going down south with Uncle On for a day trip. So, Dad went to get the car, Mom hopped in at the guard house. The radio station was on Justine's channel. Mom switched to 105.7.

EVERYTHING I DO (BRYAN ADAMS) had just about started. Shook Dad's hand on the steering wheel. Should never do that. Dad said, "Yeah, Yeah, I heard, I heard."

Another confirmation. Another reminder. The next song that came on was AGAINST ALL ODDS (PHIL COLLINS). 

So take a look at me now
Cos there's just an empty space
You coming back to me is against all odds
And that's what I've got to face

Dinosaur song. Nice song. Deep lyrics. Somehow it didn't quite feel like THIS was the message. No goose bumps. No sparks. No Eureka! Dropped Dad and drove back. Reaching Taman Desa, drove to the shops to get Justine some breakfast. She wanted nasi lemak. So parked the car, and walked over to our usual stall, and bought 3 packets. 2 for Justine. :D

Came back to the car, the song IF YOU LOVE ME, LET ME KNOW (by ONJ) was coming to an end. It wasn't until the beginning of the introduction of the next song that gave Mom instant goose bumps and a painful lump appeared in her throat.


It must have been cold there in my shadow
To never have sunlight your face
You were content to let me shine
That's your way
You always walk a step behind

So I was the one with all the glory
While You were the one with all the strength
A beautiful face without a name for so long
A beautiful smile to hide the pain


You got Mom right there - at that last line. Tears started trickling down her face as she listened to the lyrics quietly, alone in the car. Driving on to the condo, and wiping her face with the back of a clumsy hand, she told herself that, THIS would be the next video she'd do, after THERE YOU'LL BE

A song that could reduce her to tears almost on the spot sure is powerful, and that would be HER message for the day today.

Truly, in all honesty, You ARE the wind beneath our wings now.

And nobody can say that You aren't ... because You are, You really are. Even writing this call-entry has suddenly made her feel somewhat, somewhat - nostalgically sad. Not a disturbing sadness but a peaceful one, if there is such a thing.

Having experienced both, in the past few months, Mom can assure You that there IS such a thing. A difference between the 2 sadness. Unfortunately, she is not adequately equipped nor qualified to state the definitive description here. Oh well, it doesn't matter really, because when words are not adequate, the moment is perfect for us to observe the silence and allow the song to take over.

Signing off now, Son. Call You tomorrow.
Missing You heaps and heaps. <3