Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hello Son,                                          (continue from Call 23)

Checked the video later that night and Mom must admit, the lyrics do make sense. Sometimes, You just wanna SCREAM-at-the-top-of-your-lungs and say : 

Heyyy, What's Going On???

In the car, Dad happened to mention to the russian ladies that the last time Dad and Mom went to Langkawi, it was on our honeymoon. They responded with, Oh Memories ... You must be nostalgic etc.

Arrived at Subang Airport past 10am. We wished them a great time, and we were soon on our way to meet up with Mom's Godson in Taipan Subang.

Would You believe it, on the way there, Dad and Mom's Wedding Song (in church) came on the radio! Gasp! Seriously??? 


Dad and Mom listened in utter disbelief!

The time was 10:22 am. What is the likelihood of Dad mentioning about the honeymoon and some 20 minutes later, the Wedding Song appears in the background? That was pretty amazing.

THE BOND. :D Awfully cute. <3

Here's a sing-along version. 

While on YouTube, came across a comment of somebody who dedicated this song to God ... which made Mom ponder. You know, if You really think about it, certain parts of the lyrics could be from us to God, and certain other parts, from God to us. Truly. 

Gee, is that why the song came on? To remind us that, everything we do, we do it for God ... :D

(continue in next Call 25)