Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hello Son,                                   (continue from Call 112) (Tuesday, January 11)

Spotting 2 magazines in English, Mom picked them up and walked over to take a seat. 

Flipping over the first magazine CLEO, and barely glancing at the glossy photographs, your mother soon found herself rubbing her sleeveless arms. It was pretty cold at the waiting area. There was hardly anyone there at the waiting area ... 

No wonder.

She put the CLEO magazine down, and stood up. 

There was a glass door in front of her, about 10 steps away, that opened up to the balcony. Mom walked over to the balcony and decided that she would wait for Aunty H there ...

The warm sun welcomed her as she pushed the door opened.

Or was that You, Son? :D

Yes, it was so much warmer out there at the balcony.

After a few minutes of looking over the balcony on the second floor of the building, she turned around and leaned against it. Facing the glass door then, she couldn't help but notice the magazines that were left untidily on the seat.

By her ...

A strange feeling seemed to envelop her as she was standing there ... looking at the magazines through the glass door. She couldn't put a finger to it. It was the other magazine.

Yes, yes ... she had flipped through CLEO a short while ago. 

Now ... for some unexplained reason, she found herself wondering about the other magazine ... 

Hmmm ...

Would it be like ... totally - weird - to say that she thought the other magazine was calling out to her, almost as if it was saying: 

"Read me ... " ???

Yeah, that would be weird ...

That was what she felt ...

Mom cannot explain it - it was a feeling - she felt like she had to check out the other magazine.

A mother instincts. <3

On hindsight, that must have been You whispering ...

"Read the other magazine, Mom ..." :D

She ignored the feeling at first ... 

Sorry about that, Son - How was your mother to know it was You? :D Next time, You have to whisper louder, kay? :D

It was just so much warmer out there at the balcony. She didn't feel like going back in.

However, there was just this - something ... 

Yes, something - a something, that kept urging her to go back in and check out the other magazine. Standing there at the balcony, she began to feel restless.

Heck, let's just go in and read the other magazine ...

Reluctantly, she walked back into the freezer ... :D

Freezing room, she means.

Seated herself down again, this time she picked up the other magazine, WOMEN'S WEEKLY.

She flipped the pages, starting from the back page ...




... and stopped. 

She couldn't help but stare at the page ...

Before her eyes, was an article that appeared interesting ...

Interesting ... there was a graphic picture of a pram that caught her attention. At the same time, the title of the short story caused her to gasped.


Why, only last night (Monday night), she had selected a cartoon picture of a pram for her draft Call 110 (RED BACKPACK) ... which was supposed to be published this Tuesday morning, before she left the house, but didn't manage to.

A Simple Equation ?


Oh My ...

What a coinciDANS ...

You remember in Call 109 (Nobody Nobody) that Mom published on Monday morning (the day before), she had mentioned this line :

"ee - equals - to - am - see - square"


Albert Einstein's Formula

Dad had made a comment then, 

"Wah, you are writing an EQUATION in the blog?"

To which your mother had replied, chuckling, 

"SIMPLE one only la ... E = mc (square) ..."

Now before her eyes, she saw the words: 

"A Simple Equation."

Oh Gee Wow ...

A coinciDANS ...

Mom started to read the article.

She had barely read the first few lines when she found herself holding her breath.

Oh -- My -- Gosh ...

No way ...

Are You kidding her???



Would You believe it but your mother spotted the names




in the first top paragraph, on lines 5 and 6.

OMG !!!


What are the odds???

What are the odds of reading both your names, first on one line, and the other on the next???

That was surreal ...

Aunty Hayley came out just then ... She was done and was ready to go home. Mom was not. Your mother was too engrossed with the article. Can You blame her? There must be a message somewhere - with all the sparks and stars and fireworks that were exploding before her ...

Carefully, she read the sentence again ... 

Her finger moved slowly on the page, as she pointed from word to word ...

She was soon shaking her head in disbelief.

Oh -- My -- Gosh ...

You - have - so - gotta - be - kiddin' ...

You can't be serious ...

"You should just stuff DANIEL in a backpack, 

it'll be much easier..." 


Oh my ...

Did You just - communicate - with your mother???

Last night, Monday night, as Mom was preparing the draft for Call 110 (RED BACKPACK), she had asked You, whether You had anything to do with Uncle Chris bringing that red backpack to her when she was shopping at the mall in Ipoh for Uncle Chai's baby?

Mom had felt then, that You must have whispered to Uncle Chris to bring the red backpack to her. It was kinda like your style, the way he brought it over. She had felt like You were behind it.

Was that You, she had wondered???

That shopping inciDAN happened on December 30 ... but it was only on Monday night (the night before) that she had the time to tell You about it. It was fresh in her mind.

Which brings her back to the present article ... 

... stuff Daniel in a backpack, it'll be much easier ...

As in, connect Daniel with the backpack - it'll be much easier than to wonder whether it was him or not ...

Bottom line : It - was - him.

teng deh teng ... :D

Yes, it was You alright.

Nobody, nobody BUT CHIU! :D

A mother's instincts. :D

Words tumbled out from your mother's mouth freely ... 

quickly ... 

excitedly ... 

... as she blurted everything out to Aunty Hayley. She had received a message from her Son! Can You fault her for being so crazy excited???

Aunty H was grinning and smiling all the way ... 

... listening in awe and reading the respective lines in the magazine as Mom pointed out to her. Aunty H said that, she was in fact done with the procedure much earlier, but the doctor had kept her in the room, and for some reason, had asked to take another look at her back that was then being checked.  

Had Aunty H come out earlier, Mom would not have come across that page. We would have left the clinic. The timing once again was very PRECISE - immediately after your mother spotted the JASON - DANIEL names, Aunty H walked out to her. Had she come out just 5 seconds earlier, and said we could leave, Mom would have put the magazine away. Honestly, she would not have seen that article then.

So meant to be ...

That was really awesome ...

What is the likelihood of seeing the name DANIEL and the word BACKPACK in the same sentence??? Especially when your mother had just asked You about the red backpack the night before. Mom turned to the cover to check the publication and found that the magazine was an April 2003 issue.

8 years ago ...

It was sitting there at the magazine stand all this while waiting for your mother to pick up to get a message ... 8 years later.

Overwhelmed ... 

Totally overwhelmed ... to say the least.

It was surreal.

The again, nothing is impossible with God. :D

Your mother read on ... 

... came across another name, BEN ... and stopped short.

Ben ...

Of all names ...

This morning, in the car on the way to the hospital, Aunty Hayley was driving whilst Mom was on the telephone with a teacher. Your mother had instructed over the phone, the reading activity that she had prepared for that class. The theme was Getting To Know You. 

Your mother had printed out the activity, and she was explaining over the phone, giving an example : 

My name is Sara ... 
My name is Ben ...

Ben ...

Why she picked that name, she has no idea. It was random. It just came to her head. Did You whisper the name? She had prepared the reading activity consisting of 10 lines about Sara and Ben, the night before. She had printed it out. Justine was supposed to pass the print-out to the teacher that Tuesday morning. As Mom would not be in school that Tuesday morning, she had to give instructions to the teacher over the phone.

A million and one names that could have been in the article - yet, Mom had to read THREE that zapped her. 




Oh -- My -- Gosh!!!


The first two were like a respond to her question about the red backpack, and the third was a sign that her Son was with her that morning. 

That's your mother's Einstein's explanation. :D

Why Daniel, have You got any other  better explanation than that?

It was nobody, nobody BUT CHIU!!! :D

Grin ...

By the way, on hindsight now, Mom thinks You must have whispered SHIRLENE too (see photo of article above), but Mom mistakenly heard SARA ... 

Well, at least, she got the "S" right ... :D 


Thanks Son, for staying close ...

Everywhere we are, there You'll be ...

We love You so very much ... <3<3<3

Talk to You tomorrow ... :D