Sunday, February 12, 2012

Call 323 : AVE MARIA

Hello Son,                                                            (continue from Call 322)

Saturday, January 28

Mom was at the computer writing your entries on the Orange Dot Blog then, when Justine called about the birdies that Saturday morning ... Honestly, your mother did not expect the two little chicks that had hatched in the nest outside the window of the guest room, to trigger a host of past memories she thought was safely buried with time.

There were not.

Mom remembers trying to explain to You (after the blood bath) as a mother would to her child who has just discovered a decapitated head and a headless body of a bird outside his window and wanted to make sure he was not emotionally traumatized (as she was ... oh, be honest!) ... and had said something to the following effect :

"That little chick is a hero. It must have tried to distract the eagle so that the other chick could fly away and escape. It died saving the other chick ..." o.o

The bloody sight had been gory to say the least. The eagle bit came as a surprise to her too. With that Hero explanation, your mother attempted to erase that horrid scene from your memory. 

Or perhaps it was from her own memory that she was attempting to erase ...

You had merely shrugged and said nothing. You did not seem to be at all fascinated with her explanation nor did You question your mother's Super Hero theory. It would appear then that You were not in the least bit affected as You went back to your toys and games and nothing more was said about the murdered little bird.

She thinks ...

She will never know for sure ...

You will have to tell her someday ...

Oh, by the way, Justine reminds Mom that her fish's name was Jiggly Puff. Her hamster was Chester, and yours Chip. :D Mom only remembers the name Gary Dose ...

Back to that Saturday ...

Whilst preparing an entry for your Orange Dot blog, her headphones were on. Your mother was listening to AVE MARIA by Beyonce. 

Since she uploaded Jackie Evancho's AVE MARIA in her post  

Dot 167 : Wheelchair in your Orange Dot Blog, 

it has been AVE MARIA the past few days.

Mom found two videos: 

The first video was a combination of AVE MARIA and  


 By Beyonce

whilst the second video has 2 versions of AVE MARIA ... current and traditional. Mom was singing to both videos whilst she was typing away at the keyboard. 

So, picture that, will You please? That was the scenario that Saturday morning.



 By Beyonce

That evening, we went to Bangsar Village for dinner. After a nice meal at Ben's, we walked over to the bookstore on the first floor. Mom was at the preschool section. 

A book had caught her eye. 

No prizes for guessing why ... :D

You must have seen your mother smile to herself. 

She did not take a photo at first ... until she picked up a second book, and happened to turn to this page that zapped her ...

Mom found herself staring at the page on the right ...

Oh My ...

Dan has a hat ...

Maria has mittens ...

Maria like, Ave Maria? 

Mother Mary Maria? 

Oh Wow, your timing is perfect as always. You know Mom was listening to the AVE MARIA videos, don't You? Oh boy, what are the chances of finding your name and Mother Mary's name side by side in a book she happened to pick up?

No chance. 

Absolutely no chance.

At the point of writing this paragraph ...

Your mother just noticed the Ben, Kim and Tom on the left page.

Oh Gee Wow ...

Kim ... your mother's Chinese name.

Ben ... we had dinner at Ben's before going to the bookshop.

And Tom ... 

Oh My Goodness Daniel Phua ... 

You are not going to believe this, but today (Sunday Feb 12) ... today in church, there was a teenaged boy with a number 4 on his tee shirt with the words JONES on top.

Yeah, JONES. 


He was sitting right in front, and your family were like 20 rows behind him. Mom would not have seen him, except that at one point, before communion, everyone knelt down. The boy remained standing, and that was when Mom saw his huge number 4.

Mom took out her cellphone to snap a pix. 

Dad said almost sternly, "Don't take ..."

Justine was practically hissing, 

"Don't Ma, your camera is very loud ..."

Oh well ...

Mom was about to put away her cell very reluctantly, when she suddenly decided to, what the heck, take a quick shot. 

Quickly, she curi-curi snapped a photo. >.<  She had to la. She needed the eviDANS for the blog. After all, who was the one who said, a picture paints a thousand words?

Pause ...

Yeah, a clear picture maybe.

A blur picture can paint how many words, she wonders?

JONES 4 ...

Aiyoh Ma ... tsk tsk tsk ... :D

That boy was like 20 rows in front ... plus there was no time to focus.

Later, during communion, Mom turned over to Justine and asked,

"Jus, see the JONES on the tee shirt? How is that connected to him? Does that ring a bell to you? JONES? Why does that sound familiar?"

Justine gave a frown ... and then she narrowed her eyebrows ... and thought for a while ... until the Priest came on again, and we automatically turned our attention back to Father.

Mom's not sure what Father said, because her inner voice was much louder ... "What's with the JONES?" 

It's something she just couldn't put her finger on. 

Now, seeing the name TOM in print ...

OMG ... 

You really do know how to make your presence felt, don't You Son? Seriously, what are the chances of having all the 3 names on the left page having some kind of zap-connection, when all she wanted at that material time, was to take DAN & MARIA on the right page?

OMG Awesome ...

Tom Jones sings ...

The old home town looks the same

As I step down from the train

And there to meet me, is my Mama and my Papa

Down the road I look and there runs Mary

Hair of gold and lips like cherries

It's good to touch the green green grass of home


Gee Daniel, You must have whispered to Mom to write down the lyrics. 

Mary ...

Oh gosh ... Your mother only just realized.

Slow la Ma, you ... :D

Every little thing around us reminds us of You. Who would have thought that there would be a power zap behind the JONES word?

Amazing ... 

So anyway, after the bookshop, we went home. No, not finished yet. Guess what happened when we reached Taman Desa? 

Mom spotted a car that happened to be in front of us at the time with the letters AGL (can't remember the number). 

Mom gave a yelp and pointed, "Look, AGL ..."

Justine asked, "What's AGL?"

Dad said, "ANGEL ..."

Mom repeated with a grin, "Yeah, ANGEL ..."

Your mother grabbed her cellphone to take a shot ... 

Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough.

You must have been shaking your head ...

Your mother's second blur photo tonight ...

Image taken at 9:08 pm as recorded on camera.

Decode : 44

That's ANGEL alright. 

Hah. :D


Mom said excitedly, 

"I was listening to Beyonce's Ave Maria and Angel this morning ... OMG, what are the chances???"

Honestly, what are the chances of stumbling upon Dan, Maria, Ben, Kim, Mary / Tom Jones and Angel all in one night?

OMG ...



Keep the zaps coming, Son ...  :D

Stay close ... We love You and miss You very much ... <3