Saturday, May 14, 2011

Call 215 : TWO SHRIEKS

Hello Son, 

Wednesday, May 11

1. Petting Zoo

Mom followed Grandma's kindy kids on their field trip on Wednesday. She was gonna help them snap some photos of the trip.

We arrived at the Petting Zoo in Sunway before 10 am. 

In writing this entry, Mom's gonna skip the irrelevant parts and go straight to the inciDANS ... :D

Honestly, every lil thing just reminds your mother of You. :D

So anyway, after the tigers in the den, the zoo guide was taking us to the ... snakes ... :S ... You know how she feels about those slithering reptiles ... She stayed outside the dark - looking glass dens, preferring to remain out in the sun while the children ran in excitedly ...

The guide was speaking on a mike that was connected to a mobile amplifier. Mom was outside, about 20 steps away ... She heard him explain in easy terms the name, the species, the habitat of the reptiles, the food they eat, how they move ... bla bla bla ... etc ...

2. Python

Then, she heard a line that made her stand very still: 

"Pythons can grow up to 41 feet ... 

Okay guys? Remember, 41 feet ..."

Pause ...

She heard that ...

What was that?

41 feet ...

Like four - one ... one - four ???

Like, 1 am Number 4 ??? :D

Call 150 : Number Four

You must have seen your mother smiling to herself ... :D

You're with Mom, she knows ... >.<

A Mother's intuition ... <3

3. Macaws

That was the last line the guide said before she heard him ushering the children out of the S den. Of course, that would be the last line. Had it been earlier, she might not even remember ... 

A good example ... 

She doesn't remember the earlier facts that he had said, even though it was only a few minutes ago, but that 41 feet, she remembers clearly. Her brains are on selective mode and must have shut down since she is not desirous on saving any data about S.

You really know your mother well, Son ...  :D

The next stop was nearby where Mom was standing. 

The cockatoos and the macaws.

Seeing the pair of colorful parrots on a high branch, Mom thought of You with Nova instantly. :D 

The 41 feet ... was to get her attention, she knows ... to prepare her for a nice zap when she saw the macaws. :D Otherwise, she would have seen the birds and not see any connection.

You're good, Son ...

Get her attention, and when her focus is on her son, ZAP! :D

 a pair of macaws

the zoo guide ...

You (10 y) with Nova in Aunty Jessie's house in California (Year 2004)

Two animal inciDANs there ... 

You notice?

The 41 feet python and the macaw ...

4.Creepy Reptile

After that, we walked to a small open stadium to watch a bird show. A macaw entertained the children with some tricks. It was really very cute to watch.

After the macaw's performance, the guide announced that he was gonna bring out the pet - S ... 

Urghhhh ... 

Another one???

Aren't we done with S already???

Mom felt herself recoiling. She was initially on the first row trying to capture good shots of the children squealing in delight as they watched in awe the macaw, cycling and playing ball ... but the moment she heard that a S was coming out, she got up and hurried up to a spot where she felt was a safer distance from the cold creepy reptile. 

She stood at a spot away from the audience ... She's sorry but there's no way she's gonna participate in any S activity or even think of being near one.

A zoo assistant who apparently, was supposed bring the S out, came rushing out. He stopped to whisper to the guide. All part of the act. The guide looked worried. 

Mom recalls that part ... She has seen this before ... The S was supposed to be missing from the cage, and on the loose, among the audience ... 

She has forgotten though where the S would appear from ...

Quite suddenly, a flap flap flaping sound came from right beside her feet. There was some kind of opening in the ground, covered by a flimsy wooden top that was unlocked, and now flapping about. 

Instinctively, Mom let out a sharp and loud SHRieK and FLeD up the stairs to a higher level. Yes, loud - everyone in the mini open stadium would have heard that. No chance of anyone missing that loud squeal.

Interestingly, none of the kids screamed, just to let You know ... 

In fact, two kids volunteered to help the guide hold the S ...

Can You picture your mother's sheepish face?

Oh Lord, just get her out of there ...

5. Peacock

We took a train ride to the petting farm a short distance away. 

The children had a lot of fun feeding rabbits and guinea pigs. 

Later, as we were heading to the birds farm, a peacock that she saw stretching its legs in a corner, suddenly broke into a run and decided to head straight at her. 

Mom had the fright of her life ...

Survival instincts took over ... 

Yes, survival instincts. It was that dramatic ... a mighty long and shrill squeal shot out of her mouth. That must have frightened the peacock because it made an abrupt turn. It was about one foot away before it changed its direction. 

OMG, what was that? 

Honestly ... 

What -- was -- that??? 

She's been to this place before and she's never encountered any incidents that required her to scream or shout or squeal. 

No, none of the S words.

What is going on?

Wait a minute ... 

Pause ...

TWO shrieking inciDANS?


You did not just charge that peacock at Mom, did You? 

And ...

The flap flap flapping inciDAN just now ... was that You too?

You must have been rolling all over the clouds, laughing hysterically, when You saw your mother behaving like a lunatic. Why, visitors who witnessed that peacock - scene must have thought she was a paid clown act. She was ridiculously hilarious, with a capital H !!!

It was You ... wasn't it?

Nobody nobody but chiu ...

Call 109 : Nobody Nobody

Daniel Phua ... that is so not funny ... :D

Hehehehe ... Hahahaha ... Hohohoho ...

You were so funny, Maa ... :D:D:D

Mom should mention here that she was on a field trip with a large group of children aged between 3 to 6 years old ... and yet, surprisingly, NONE of the children had behaved as she did ... whilst she had, not just one but, TWO shrieking inciDANS??? 

A definite YOU ... YOU ... YOU ... :D:D:D

(continue on Call 216)