Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Call 434 : HELLO DAN

Hello Son,

Just had dinner. Mom's alone in the house with the maid.

Television is on.

Covert Affairs.

There was an ad-break about 10 minutes ago ... Mom just have to tell You this. Always, You make your presence felt.

Always, Daniel. Mom appreciates it very much.

The ad was something about you know ... watch the Golf Channel to see defending champion DAN - something play on the first day, JANUARY 21.

Omg ...

DAN and JANUARY 21???

Gosh, what are the chances?

January 21 is your 3rd anniversary with Jesus and Mama Mary. Dad's just placed a notice in the papers yesterday. You must know about it, huh. Otherwise, Mom wouldn't have seen or heard those zap words.

Last night, at Grandma's house, Little Megan kept saying "Hello" ...

Like, some 30 times or so. Not exaggerating. Each time she said it, Mom would just sit and be still, and just stare at the babe. She can't really talk yet, she would just mumble a bit of this and that, but HELLO, she says a hundred times.

And clearly too ...

Okay, exaggerating a bit there.

Seriously ... she was toddling around, and going Hello? Hello? Hello?

Which brings Mom to this ...

Last Friday, Justine and Mom were at this noodle coffee shop. Mom is half way writing that entry, by the way ...

Anyway, whilst waiting for the food to arrive, Mom  happened to be looking straight ahead of her, when she noticed the word HELLO staring back her.

Mom said to your sister, "Jus, turn around and look behind ... your brother is with us ..."

Justine turned ... and saw this instead.

Justine said, "Jack Daniels ..."

Mom was like, "What Jack Daniels? Look at the HELLO ..."

Justine turned around again ...

"Oh that ... Hahaa ... So funny, you saw HELLO, and I saw JACK DANIELS ..."

Oh Gosh ...

Quickly, Mom took a photo of the HELLO ... and then of the tee shirt with the JACK DANIELS ... and then a third photo of the two zap signs together ...

Wow ...

We have had some inciDANS with Baby Megan before.

So anyway, last night, Megan fell off the bed, and landed on the floor. Aunty D was hysterical. Justine was lying on the bed and didn't expect the baby to roll over the bed. They were on Aunty C's bed ... and You know how high that bed is.


Unnaturally high.

Of course, the baby was crying ... but Mom did note that, it wasn't a cry of AGONIZING, EXCRUCIATING PAIN ... that you would expect from a fall where you dive down head first. It was just a loud cry, more of shock than of pain ... because she quietened down quite quickly. Mom would know this, because Justine fell off the bed when she was about 9 months old or thereabouts. So, she knows how a baby who falls off a bed should cry ...

That was a scary moment, your sister's fall ... but not as scary as all your hospital experiences.

Anyway ...

This morning, Aunty D told Mom that thank God, baby M is okay ...

Mom said, "I don't think she really fell straight on to the floor ... she didn't cry in pain ... it was like she fell on a cloud and bounced off ... almost as it someone broke her fall ... Hello? Yes, Mom's quite sure about that. Someone broke her fall ... "

It was You, wasn't it, Son?

Yes ... why on earth would the baby keep saying HELLO all night long ... Dad was there, Justine was there, Grandma was there ... they were all there to hear it.

Only Mom could read the message behind it.

I'm here la, guys ...

Yes Son ... clearly ... everywhere we are, there You'll be...

Hello ...

Zap Zap Zap ...