Sunday, February 9, 2025


Hello Son,


So a few days ago, Mom was on the sofa

in our living room.


Netflix was on.


Mom happened to see this newly added

movie called : 






Another plane movie?



Mom had watched another plane movie 

just the day before, starring, Gerard Butler.





In that PLANE show, your mother did not 

finish the movie and had stopped the TV halfway 

as it got too violent for her liking.


The part where Gerard Butler was first attacked.


Never mind why and how and who.


She had turned off the TV.


So when Mom saw the IC814, another PLANE

movie, she decided to check on the synopsis

first before wasting her time to view.




Mom googled the words :


Kandahar Flight


and came to this page.



Mom's eyes scanned through the Wiki

information and suddenly rested on

the name : 










Of course Mom had to click on the link 

and when she did, she came to this page :








Cause of death : Decapitation?




Mom looked at the date of death :


February 1, 2002


That's a clear ...


very clear ...


very, very clear ...


Angel date.


2   1  2002


21  4


OMG. Seriously.


Mom's first thoughts were :


Why do the Daniels in the world

have so much challenges? 



Your own departure date was :


21st January, 2010


21  1  2010


21  4


Daniel Pearl was such a good looking 

man too.


Heaven must truly be filled with 

dashing-looking people.


This horrific incident happened some 

23 years ago.


Still, that did not stop Mom from feeling 

fresh goose bumps and cold chills 

creeping up and down her spine. 

When Dad came through the door,

he had taken the car out for a wash,

Mom couldn't wait to tell Dad about

Daniel Pearl.



Dad knew of this Daniel Pearl.


He apparently remembers this 

horrendous news in that year.


So anyway, Mom said a silent prayer

and made a knowing wish that both

good looking Daniels are now watcing

from Heaven and smiling down

on their respective families.

So that night,


that same night,


it was bed time.


Mom would normally turn on a simple 

sit-com or comedy, more often than

not, TWO and a HALF MEN, and watch

for a bit before dozing off.


For some unexplained reason, 

that night, 

Mom decided she wanted to 

watch a Hallmark romance movie.


She tuned in to the first one, 

at random,

saw the characters who were not too

appealing to her, and  decided to change 

after a minute or so.

The second Hallmark movie was also

not great.


The third? 



Oh well.


Let's look for another one.


Where are all the good - looking 

people when you want them?


Before she knew it, your mother found 

herself keying in the words :


The Magic of Ordinary Days


Skeet is so so cute and his

character in the movie is

so endearing.


You just have to love this guy.


Mom had first watched this movie

several years ago and had always

remembered Skeet in it.


The last time your mother saw 

this movie was perhaps during the 

COVID lockdown some 5 years ago.


So anyway, the movie started.


Mom was enjoying the show and

sipping her warm water when

suddenly, she found herself sitting 

up right on the bed.


Dad was outside.


Mom was in the bedroom, watching

the movie all her own.








No way.





Mom quickly re-winded the show back a bit 

and snapped a photo to show Dad.


Do you see the subtitles?


Daniel got killed at Pearl Harbour.








You can't be serious.


You must be whispering to Mom.


No way she would have decided 

to choose this movie had you 

not whispered :


The Magic of Ordinary Days, Ma.














PEARL Harbour???


Why, only a few hours ago, your mother

was reading about DANIEL PEARL.


And now she sees the words across her

TV screen and hears the words spoken

out loud to her ears :


Daniel got killed at Pearl Harbour.




Daniel Pearl.


You are just so right beside Mom 

all the time, Daniel.




As Mom checked the photo taken 

from her camera gallery,  she noticed

the date :  


Feb 4.



FEB 4.


2  4


4  2







So so is. 

Clearly you had whispered into your

mother's ears that evening.





When Dad came into the bedroom, Mom 

couldn't wait to tell him.


All her words just rushed out from her mouth.




"I told you about Daniel Pearl just now

right?  And now look. Suddenly I'm watching

this movie and hearing these words

Daniel got killed at Pearl Harbour.

What are the chances??? Son is definitely

whispering to me. OMG. Seriously. What are

the chances of me putting on this show 

tonight and hearing those words? 

OMG. It's so random ...."


More words spoken.




Thanks Son, 

for always making your presence felt.





p/s going to the mall now to order

Mom's new glasses.

4:41 pm


Dad and Mom just returned home from the mall.


Mom came straight to the computer to make another call.


We were at the mall at 1 pm to make new specs for Mom.


When we were done, your parents went to Oriental Kopi for a drink.

Dad had his iced coffee with no sugar ...


And Mom had her usual hot milk tea without sugar.


After that, we were ready to go back home.


As we were leaving the mall, just before going down the escalator, to the parking machine, a guy was playing a flute in a corner, entertaining the mall people. Nobody was around him ... but it was nice to have some music in the environment.

As we were going down the escalator, the flute started playing ...


My Heart Will Go On.




Mom took out her handphone to check the time, and saw 15:59 turning to 16:00 before her eyes.


A smile escaped her lips.


You must have seen your mother grin from cheek to cheek.


Mom told Dad : My Heart Will Go On ... and the time is 4 pm. My son has definitely received my call (Call 670). 


That's for sure.


Hugs and kisses, Daniel Phua.





Near, far ... wherever you are ...


You are safe in my heart ...


and my heart will go on and on ...