Saturday, September 20, 2014


Hello Son, 

Tomorrow is your 21st. 

56th months with JESUS and MAMA MARY in heaven.

56 months away from home.

56 months somewhere over the rainbow.

We miss You so very very very much, Daniel-son. :(((

The word to describe how very much is beyond the dictionary. How many times has Mom said this? She sounds like a broken record. 


Your 21st tomorrow reminded Mom about a zap that happened on the last 21st (August 21st) which Mom has yet to tell You.

It all happened in the FAMILY's WHATSAPP ... between Aunty J (USA) and Mom. Grandma had a comment too.

August 22, 2014

Aunty J : Last Wed, we had a 4th grader who joined us for afterschool prog. Danny. I didn't think anything about it. He is such an unbelievably good boy. Sometimes I just want to hug and squeeze him cos he's such a good boy. Today Craig confirmed his name is Daniel. Oh wow. I have my very first student named Daniel (1:44 pm)

Mom : today your place is 21st. dans' 55 mth. 4th grader? (1:53 pm)

Mom : oh wow. your msg came in at 1:44 pm. thanks for sharing dat, jess. just heart warming to read. (1:58 pm)


August 24, 2014 (KUL)


Grandma : Yesterday in church, Daniel's name was mentioned fondly by X. "Daniel was the best altar boy till today." X said. oh yes. and that mass I was cantoring was the 21st Sunday of Year A. (6:42 pm KUL)


Mom : yr sms came in at 642 am. dats 12.

21 in my eyes.

thanks for sharing that mom. so nice to read. (7:05 am KUL)

Aunty J : Lol. my text and chare's was at 404. my time (7:51 am) 

Mom : It just occurred to me, jess

144 pm my side

404 yr side

dans bd 24.12.94

time of birth 4:41 pm

dats like your time and my time combined. wat r d chances? (8:43 am)

no chance. angel chance. zap zap zap fm heaven (rainbow icons) (8:44 am)

Aunty J and Mom added rainbow icons after our texts. Mom sent that message in the car on the way to church. We arrived in church shortly. 

We sat at the first empty row of chairs we saw when we walked through the church gates.

We were late. About 10 minutes. :(  

(Eyes downcast) Is there any chance that JESUS did not notice that?

So anyway, everything was as normal as normal could be until it was time to stand up.

The boy in front of Mom stood up.

Mom widened her eyes and held her breath as she saw the rainbow staring back at her.


Yeah, this boy was sitting right in front of Mom.

What are the chances? 

Gosh, honestly, what are the chances of Mom raining rainbow icons in her text messages, and the next moment, she sees herself sitting in front of a rainbow?

Slim chance.


But big on the coinciDANS, huh?

Like really really -- BIG.


Mom found herself just staring at the rainbow, the whole time we were standing up. Sorry Father, but she doesn't remember anything going into her ears or out. 

Her eyes were transfixed on the rainbow and she was just very busy studying that rainbow.

Then, the congregation sat.

And would You look at how the boy sat? 

Omg, seriously??? He leaned on presumably his mother, in a way where the rainbow was in Mom's complete and continued full view.

Oh gosh.

Mom managed to snap the above two photos in her umm, secret agent way, to send to the FAMILY's Whatsapp, with the message :

rainbow on shirt. in church (8:47 am)

see how the boy is sitting? just so the rainbow is rite in front of my face. (8:49 am)


Just awesome.

Everywhere we are, there You'll be ...

Keep the zaps coming, Son ... :D

Thinking about You, 
on your 56th month with 
in heaven 
somewhere over the rainbow
(Sept 21, 2014)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Call 551 : BAD DAY

Hello Son, 

This morning, Grandma and Mom went for breakfast at a noodle house. We have some exciting plans about the school that we had to finalise and thought we would talk it over during breakfast.

At the kopitiam ...

We ordered our noodles.

We talked whilst waiting.

We ate whilst talking.

Plan is good.

Food is good.

Were You with us, Daniel?

We were seated on a small round table, with 4 chairs.

Grandma on one seat, Mom on one seat, and both our handbags on one seat.

Leaving one empty seat.


Were You on that empty seat? 

Smile. Mom thinks You were. As always.

So anyway, we enjoyed our noodles very much.

When we were done, Mom called for the bill.

The bill came.


Mom glanced down at the total.


23? Why, that's 1994.

Secret code : Your birth year.

She pulled out some notes and handed it to the waiter. 

Picking up the bill, she found herself looking at the large fonts of table and bill no.




Table 13

Decode : 4

Bill No : 42843

Secret code : 21

Mom was shaking her head and smiling to herself causing Grandma to ask, "What? Why? What?"

Mom showed Grandma the small bill, pointed and explained, "See the bill number ... that's 21 ... see the table number ... that's 4 ... and the total RM23 ... that's 1994 ... Daniel is here."

Grandma didn't make any comment, nor gave Mom any indication that she supported her - um, theory.

That's okay. 

Mom didn't care. 

This connection is not for anyone to understand.

You are definitely with Mom. That's for sure.

Smile ... a secret smile.  

So anyway, after breakfast, Grandma dropped Mom back in school, where Dad was waiting. 

Your parents were going to the bank.

So ...

At the bank, Mom approached the Q line, and a bank officer handed her a number.

She took the slip of paper, glanced at it, and chuckled.

She showed it to Dad, grinning from ear to ear.

"Look, 21 ... Hah!"

Dad said, "That's 20 ..."

Mom stopped in her tracks and shoved the Q paper in Dad's face.

"It's 21! Look, nine ... ten eleven twelve. Two one." 

Dad replied, "Ohh ..."

Mom took a seat. The number slip was in her hand.

She looked at it.

Hmmm ... 

How do You do it, Daniel? Her heart whispered.

How do You manage to be - everywhere?

She continued to stare.

From 3009 ... her eyes took in 3005.

Decode : 44


Her eyes then read : 2014-09-19 


Oh gosh.

Decode : 4


Her eyes darted to the bottom right : 10-01-40

Decode : 24


You. Your birthdate.

Oh my. Would You look at that?

Then, there's the logo. The TIGER.

Like Daniel, the Tiger?


How could You not be with Mom? You're so clearly by your mother's side, You could be holding her hand for all she knows. Why, anybody who reads this tiny slip of paper would be able to tell that her angel son is right beside her.

She thought - silently.

Correction - happily.


Just awesome. 

Anyway ...

After the bank, Dad and Mom were in the car driving back.

Would You believe it but YOU ARE NOT ALONE came on the radio a few minutes after we drove off.

The time was : 11:06 am

Decode : 4



Mom said, "Omg ... YOU ARE NOT ALONE ... only yesterday, I told son about the YOU ARE NOT ALONE zaps. The Man of Steel movie ... Omg ... "

What are the chances?

No chance.

You are not alone, Ma ... I am here with you ... :D

Gosh Son, it's just amazing how You make your presence felt each time.

We were at the traffic lights when the song was still on.

Suddenly, she let out a gasp.

She pointed to a vehicle on the right.


Gosh, what are the chances of Mom hearing the message on the radio - YOU ARE NOT ALONE - and then seeing the words FREED???

All You.

The number plate 7513.

That's like 21 4.

You. All YOU.



Fast forward ... 

After school, Mom went to dinner with one of our teachers. We were done in an hour. Mom called Dad to pick her up, and to give the teacher a lift home.

Dad arrived at around 9 pm.

The teacher and Mom hopped into the car.

The radio was on.

You had a bad day ...

was on.

Oh gosh.

Bad day.

The time was 9:11 pm.


What's with the Nine One One?

Bad bad bad day.


Mom remembers. She didn't like it when You sang this song.

She would tell You not to sing it.

"You're not having a bad day, Daniel, stop singing that song ..." she would say.

Now she would give anything to hear You sing again ... anything ... whether it's that BAD DAY song or not.

Mom said in low tones to Dad, "Bad day ... Daniel Powter ... my son is saying hi ... he's here." 

Dad nodded and smiled.

Right after BAD DAY ... would You believe it? But DANGEROUS came on.


Hold on tight

I know she's a little bit dangerous


Your word.

Dane - gerous.

The time was 9:14 pm.

Decode : 14

I am number 4.


We reached home. 

"You see? He has to zap me with two songs just before we reach home ..."

That's how your mother knows for sure the zaps are from You.  :D

Thank you, Son for being near. Keep the zaps coming. 

Talk to You tomorrow.

Love You. Hugs and kisses. <3

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Hello Son

Monday, Sept 15

It was early in the morning. 

Mom was driving out of the condo, to school.

The radio was on, but she didn't hear the song immediately.

And suddenly she did.

You are not alone

I am here with you

Though we're far apart

You're always in my heart

You are not alone 


Her eyes were on the dashboard the instant she heard the first line.

It was 6:49 am.

Secret code : 44

She smiled to herself.

Michael Jackson.

Another smile escaped her.

Jackson ...

Jack as in Titanic Jack ... as in MY HEART WILL GO ON - JACK ... and SON.

Son Son Son ...

My heart will go on ~ Son ... <3


Mom's good,don't You think?

Is she trying too hard? To get that second sign?


The song ended. The radio host said bla bla bla.

Her mind escaped to a faraway land.

Somewhere over the rainbow.

Tsk tsk tsk, Ma ...

Are You shaking your head?

The night before, Sunday night, MAN OF STEEL was on telly. 

Dad, Mom and Justine were having our dinner before the tv. 

Mom said, "Let's watch a movie ..."

It was a Sunday night, family night, movie night.

Justine said, "Man of Steel is nice ..."

Mom protested, "Isn't there something else on telly?" 

Humph. This Man of Steel Superman is not as cute as Smallville Tom Welling.

Your sister replied impatiently, "I wanna watch this, Mom ..."

Okay okay ... and so your family watched MAN OF STEEL that night.

Watch watch watch ...

Then, came a scene, when the computers went blank and the words: 

YOU ARE NOT ALONE ... appeared.


Mom laughed and said, "Hey, that message is for me ..."

Justine heard.

Dad heard.

It was an announcement she made. We didn't think much about it after that.

That was Sunday night. At home.

Back to the car on Monday Morning ...

What are the chances of Mom now hearing this YOU ARE NOT ALONE song the very next morning? 


No chance.

Angel chance.

Truly, she was overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the moment, when she suddenly found herself straightening up.

Listen Ma ... :D

She heard a whisper.

She listened.

It was the intro music of ...




Not only is LET IT GO her concert item this year, but only the day before, she had bought all the 15 FROZEN Elsa's gowns. The prettiest gowns You have ever seen.

Hmm. You must have led Mom to that boutique. 

The costumes are so amazing.

Mom was at the mall, with one of our teachers. We were looking for pink shirts and white shorts for the Bambi children. Mom was explaining to the teacher the shade, and the type of shorts she wanted.

The teacher showed your mother some samples from shop to shop.

No, no, no ... not like that, your mother would protest each time. The pink has got to be that sweet baby pink, and the shorts need to be plain, just plain white. No fancy trimmings and funky pockets.  No no no ... those wouldn't do!

Suddenly, at one point, an overweight guy was walking towards us, wearing a pink shirt, the shade of which Mom was talking about, and in plain white shorts caught your mother's attention.

Mom stared.

What the ...

Omg ...

The guy was walking towards us ... nearer and nearer.

Quickly, Mom nudged the teacher and spoke in low tones, "Eh, look at the guy in front. In front ... in front of us. The one in the pink shirt and white shorts. We are looking for that outfit. Yes yes, that guy. That pink shirt. Exactly like that."


Wait a minute. 

Did You send that guy in our way, Son?

Hahaha. That was quite funny, what happened there. 

The teacher laughed out loud.



Oh dear. Side tracked. 

Where was she?

Ah, in the car. Let it go.

Yes Son. You know Mom's got all her FROZEN costumes now, don't You?

She has been looking and looking and looking ...

She reached the school.

Smiling, she got out of the car.

Her morning zap.

Her son had sent her a morning zap.

Everyday, he sends her a lil zap to remind her that he's right beside her.

So anyway, the day flew by.

Lunch time came. Dad came to pick Mom up for lunch.

We drove to Bangsar.

Turning into the McDonald's lane, your parents were both looking at the stretch of car parked on the side of the road. 

Lunch hour. Very very jam-packed.

This lane is just not known for empty parking bays.

On top of that, there were cars in front of us, inching along.

Mom sent a telepathic message over to her son, "Daniel, if You are here, get a car to come out ..."

No sooner had she thought that, she saw right before her eyes, a car (X), reversing out ... just as the car (C) in front of us passed it. Which means, the coast was clear for us to drive straight into that bay after that car (C) in front of us drove past the parked car (X).

Oh my.

She turned to Dad with a big grin.

"It's Son ... I was just asking him to get a car out ..."

The timing couldn't be better. Dad couldn't believe his eyes. It was not possible to get a parking at this place.


Which makes getting it all the more sweeter.

So anyway, we had our lunch at a mamak restaurant, both your parents indulged in a plate of nasi kandar - banjir with all the different kinds of curries. 

After lunch, we crossed the road and walked to a stationery shop. We spent about an hour there, picking papers for certificates and awards.

Back in school ...

The evening passed with all the usual activities.

Mom was having dinner with one of the teachers that evening.

The teacher had told her she like pan mee. So your mother brought her our family's favourite pan mee restaurant.

It was after 7 pm. The road was pretty clear despite the after office traffic. We drove to the next neighbouring area. As we were turning into the lane of the restaurant, we drove pass a long stretch of parked vehicles, on the left and right of us.

Mom drove on.

As she reached the restaurant, would You believe it but there was one vacant space RIGHT IN FRONT of the eatery.

For her.



Right in front. Not too left, and not too right. Just right in front of the pan mee shop we were going to.


Second time that day.

Thanks Son. You really are with Mom all the time, aren't You?

As Mom was writing this call, she heard these words coming from the telly :

I love You, Daniel ... (preview of a show)


Mom said quickly (to Dad), "You heard that? I love You, Daniel ..."

Dad nodded. 

"What time is it? What time is it?"

Dad said, "13:51 .."

Mom thought loudly, "One three five one ... Is that not 44?"

Omg ...


Are You not connecting with Mom???

You are receiving her call just as she is writing it ...

Gosh Daniel.

Truly, she is not alone ...

You are not alone, Ma ... :D

Thanks Son for reminding her that again and again. 

Keep the zaps coming. Gotta go to school.